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House with exterior lighting
October 02, 2023

Ideas For Washington, DC Home Security Landscaping To Protect Your Home

Landscaping is an ideal way to bring charm, value, and function to your property. But it will also play a part in your home’s security. Look over the following Washington, DC home security landscaping suggestions and discover how to better protect your home.

No. 1: Keep Your Yard Well Groomed

What impression does your yard convey? A well-tended landscape with a mowed lawn, clipped shrubs, and mulched flower beds lets others know you’re mindful of your surroundings. On the other hand, untended grass and weeds show you’re careless about your yard and might not pay much attention to your property’s security either. Don’t make your home a target by conveying the wrong image.

No. 2: Illuminate Your Washington, DC Landscape

Darkness is preferred by criminals because they wish to stay hidden. Don’t give it to them. Rather, install various forms of illumination all through your property. You likely already utilize a light outside your main entry, but you might also integrate motion-detecting lighting in certain spots like your sliding patio door or close to your garage. Use solar lights next to a walkway and accent lights near larger shrubs or trees. In doing so, you can eliminate potential hiding spots while delivering a unique element to your landscape. You may even activate inside smart bulbs to turn on when activity is discovered outside.

No. 3: Keep A Clear Sightline

You should be able to view all parts of your property through your windows. Keep shrubbery and other plants at three feet tall or less so you don’t block your view. If you’re getting new plants, check the label to learn the mature size. Generally, it’s best to avoid hedges and taller plant life, particularly by entryways like garages.

No. 4: Keep A Close Watch With Surveillance Systems

Surveillance systems are one of the best burglary deterrents. Just having them in plain view is enough to discourage the majority of possible thieves. Taking that into account, keep your outdoor surveillance conspicuous but elevated enough so it can't be easily accessed. When you're not home, you can peek at live camera footage via your handy cell phone security app. To enhance your peace of mind, notifications can be sent directly to your phone if your surveillance cameras discern suspicious activity.

No. 5: Defensive Flora Is Effective As Washington, DC Home Security Landscaping

Not too many burglars will wish to climb through a thorny plant to reach your ground-floor window. You’ll want to select plants appropriate for your climate, but you could go with rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive vegetation. Remember, they needs to be no more than three feet tall if placed outside of windows, and if there are small children in your house, they might not be the best solution.

Support Your Secure Landscape With A Home Security System In Washington, DC

An innovative home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the best complement to your Washington, DC home security landscaping. Our full-featured packages give you leading tools like surveillance, automation, and voice activation. Not to mention, our sign will look fantastic in your carefully groomed yard. Dial (202) 221-4066 today and personalize a system to your family’s unique requirements.